Our handymen are the cogs in the wheels of the day-to-day operations when it comes to your facility management organisation. They have both technical expertise and a flair for hospitality. This makes them the perfect point of contact for (building) technical maintenance parties, employees and your guests whenever operational support, maintenance and repairs are needed.

Our people are experts in identifying and solving minor technical problems, carrying out maintenance tasks and assisting with facility management jobs. All our employees are SSC certified (SCC stands for Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Checklist Contractors in the Netherlands). Just like our handymen, our caretakers play a central role within the facilities department. In addition to operational and technical work, they are also responsible for planning, contract management, task management and managing suppliers. experience with good and bad workplaces and their influence on organisations is extensive.

We are happy to help you achieve the best work environment that will provide the maximum amount of support for all your business processes.

We can also help you with: