Most companies do not manage their contracts properly. Often, a contract is only reviewed at the end to assess whether or not contract conditions still represent the market value. Usually contract analysis isn’t carried out at all, and contracts are extended automatically. This means that, apart from the annual rent increase, nothing ever changes.

Our contract analysis maps out the financial and qualitative agreements that you have with your suppliers. This will then form the basis for the daily management of your purchased property services. It also offers structure in market comparisons and procurement processes. Our contract scan can be used as a one-off baseline measurement, or continuously, as a basis for evaluations, progress reports, SLAs and cost analyses. This will give you more control over your spending and the quality of your services. These facility services will fully support your primary business processes.

All your contracts will be analysed by us and entered into our contract management system. We will request missing contracts from suppliers, ensuring that all your contractual and financial obligations are accessible to you in one system. This means that you will no longer overlook contracts that are about to expire. Plus, any commitments can easily be reconciled with each other. We will prioritise contracts that carry the highest value and which offer the best opportunities for improvement.

The biggest step your organisation can take is to allow MYSS to be your management partner for all your suppliers. All contracts will be managed by us, and the quality and costs of their services checked. This means that you will have one permanent contract partner for all facility services, while your regular suppliers will simply continue to carry out their work for you through us. The stream of invoices that you receive from contract parties is substantially reduced this way, which in turn takes the burden off financial and procurement departments. We see it as the best way to take control of your contractual agreements and expenses. 

We are happy to help you with:

  • Benchmarks in financial and qualitative aspects of the current flexible contracts regarding e.g., facilities and service costs;
  • Tailoring the current contracts to your objectives by optimising one or more services;
  • Writing up tender documents and supporting procurement processes;
  • Efficiently and safely ensuring digital storage of paper contracts and/or contracts which have been set up in a different way, while also adhering to all laws and certifications;
  • Making contract information transparent for your organisation with the help of reports as well as access to our contract management system;
  • Periodic and ad hoc evaluation of achievements with respect to the agreements that have been made.