The choice of a business location is not made lightly. It demands an extensive location analysis and knowledge of the location relative to your business objectives. MYSS helps you think through situations surrounding expansion, downsizing and the changing needs of employees where the work environment is concerned. That way, you will not be faced with expensive surprises now or in the future and you will be assured of having premises that suit your needs.

We identify your needs and requirements in terms of location, building type and intended future use and propose suitable alternatives. Even when your lease agreement is about to expire, we can advise you in your choice between renegotiation or relocation. Do you already have multiple locations under your own management or are you aiming to do so? We will then always look at how particular locations fit into your portfolio.

Property scan

Together with our partners, we will perform an initial property scan for new and existing locations. By using benchmarks, we will provide insight into the financial, technical and functional aspects of (alternative) buildings. Additionally, we will examine various qualitative aspects of the buildings, including their floor plan flexibility, sustainability, light and air quality and level of comfort. This will provide you with a complete overview of the quality of the locations and the buildings you are looking at.

Finally, all alternatives – both existing and new – we compare these in financial terms on the basis of the Total Cost of Occupancy principle. As a result, not only will the annual fixed costs for rent and service costs be considered per building, but the one-off renovation costs and the annual facility costs over corresponding periods will also be compared. This can prevent unwelcome financial surprises in the future.